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We have reason to believe that the bogus Democracy hope for success in the municipal election only by a large importation of illegal votes. A gentleman whose acquaintance with the city is as extensive as that of any man in it, assures us that during the past week accessions of population in the Irish quarters have not only been very sudden but very large. – Letters have been received here from Lasalle Ottawa and Waukegan, in which the Republicans are put on guard against the gangs of Irish that are leaving those places with railroad tickets for Chicago in their hands, and, as our friends believe, with Democratic tickets in their pockets.
We hope that we are misinformed, and that no plan for invading the purity of the ballot box is on foot; but the nature of the testimony brought under our eyes, the great number of strange [Hibernian?] faces on the street corners, and the confident boasting of the Democracy, leaves little room to doubt that the old game is to be played over again. Let the Republicans, whose duty it is to look after the frauds which the Democracy will attempt, see to this matter in time! We must not be beaten by an imported vote, cost what it will to keep it out of the boxes!