Record Data
Hon. R. W. Thompson: Springfield, Ills,
Dear Sir: July 10. 1860
Yours of the 6th. is received, and for which I thank you. I write this to acknowledge the receipt of it, and to say I take time (only a little) before answering the main matter.
If my record would hurt any, there is no hope that it will be over-looked; so that if friends can help any with it, they may as well do so. Of course, due caution and circumspection, will be used.
With reference to the same matter, of which you write, I wish you would watch Chicago a little. They are getting up a movement for the 17th. Inst. I believe a line from you to John Wilson, late of the Genl. Land Office (I guess you know him well) would fix the matter.
When I shall have reflected a little, you will hear from me again. Yours very truly A. LINCOLN.
Burn this.