Richard W. Thompson to Abraham Lincoln, July 6, 1860

    Source citation
    Richard W. Thompson to Abraham Lincoln, July 6, 1860, Terre Haute, IN, Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress,
    Author (from)
    Thompson, Richard W.
    Date Certainty
    Transcribed by the Lincoln Studies Center, Knox College, Galesburg, IL
    Adapted by Don Sailer, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following transcript has been adapted from the Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress.
    Terre Haute July 6, 1860

    My Dear Sir
    A few days before I left Washington I recd. your last letter & had, as you suggested, a brief interview with H. W. D: -- it was, however, necessarily too brief to be very Satisfactory because neither he nor I had time to make it otherwise. It satisfied me that there was a general concurrence between his views & mine.

    I reached home a week ago and found a meeting of our State Executive Committee called for 4th instant, & a strong inclination to form an Electoral Ticket & to run a State Ticket. I attended the meeting & opposed both movements, & succeeded in getting it adjourned to meet again on the 15th next month. In the mean time I think I can so manage those who advocate an organization as to prevent it. The State ticket they have already agreed to abandon, & a good many of those who were earnest for an electoral ticket have changed their views. I have to manage the matter with exceeding delicacy & could do nothing if I were to avow openly my ulterior object. This does not arise out of a want of confidence felt in you, but from the strong feelings existing in particular localities between some of our men & the Republicans. You will, therefore, infer that one of my chief arguments is that you, if elected, will not suffer yourself to be led into ultraism by Radical men; but that your administration will be national. If I could succeed in fixing their impressions upon their minds, I should have but little difficulty -- & I hope to do it. It cannot be done, however, at once. I made a strong impression upon the minds of the Committee when I told them that you & I & Geo. Dunn voted together in Congress on the Slavery question. By the by, have you forgotten that was seperated from all the other northern Whigs upon Gott's resolution? Do you think it would do you any hurt amongst the Republicans if I were to mention this as proof of your Conservatism? I have not done it & will not if you think it will hurt you -- though I suppose somebody will look it up. I should like very much to see you & have a personal interview with you. I want to talk about some things that you ought not to write about. How can we arrange an interview? If I come openly to Springfield it will get in the papers -- for I cannot travel without being known. Is any other plan practicable? Write me on this subject, & I will follow your suggestions.

    Very truly yr. friend
    R. W. Thompson

    Send your answer in an envelope addressed to Wm R McKeen -- by Express -- for it is better for you that the P. M's should not know that you & I are corresponding at present at all events.
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