Atchison (KS) Freedom’s Champion, “An Impossibility,” December 1, 1860

    Source citation
    “An Impossibility,” Atchison (KS) Freedom’s Champion, December 1, 1860, p. 2: 5.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Atchison Freedom’s Champion
    Newspaper: Headline
    An Impossibility
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Don Sailer, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    An Impossibility.

    One of our exchanges says that the people of South Carolina are coming to their senses. We never knew they had any to come to. Ever since Calhoun preached his nullification doctrine they have acted more like idiots or lunatics than sensible men in their right minds. Coming to their senses [illegible]! We expect next to [hear?] it gravely announced that the devil has reformed or James Buchanan [illegible] a decent man. Coming to their senses, indeed! We expect they will,
    When Fishes sing ditties;
    And Toads hunt Baboons;
    When frog ponds are cities;
    And zephyrs monsoons;
    When the North Star gets sick;
    And of vomiting dies;
    When the [illegible] kick;
    Dirt plump in our eyes;
    Then South Carolinians;
    With come to their senses;
    Then the sun will come down;
    And [illegible] the fences.

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