Discovery in Washington D.C. of the plundering of more than $700,000 in Indian Trust Funds

Godard Bailey, a clerk in the Department of the Interior and a relative of Secretary of War Floyd, admitted to ransacking the Indian Trust Fund in the amount of around $870,000 to support the transportation business of William Hepburn Russell, one of the founders of the Pony Express.  Alabamian Bailey considered the bonds only as collateral and replaced them with assurances from both Russell and Floyd, who was involved financially with Russell.  Bailey and Russell were both arrested and Floyd forced to resign.  (By John Osborne)   
Source Citation
Raymond W. Settle and Mary Lund Settle, Saddles and Spurs: The Pony Express Saga (Harrisburg, PA: The Telegraph Press, 1955), 171-176. 
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