Godard Bailey, William H. Russell, John B. Floyd indicted over Indian Trust Funds embezzlement

Godard Bailey, a clerk in the Department of the Interior and a relative of Secretary of War Floyd, admitted to ransacking the Indian Trust Fund of up to $870,000 to support the transportation business of William H. Russell, of the Pony Express.  Floyd, also financially involved with Russell, was forced to resign.  A District of Columbia grand jury indicted all three men but no-one was ever tried for the crime and the U.S. Government replaced the funds in 1862 at a cost to the taxpayer of an estimated $830,000. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Raymond W. Settle and Mary Lund Settle, Saddles and Spurs: The Pony Express Saga (Harrisburg, PA: The Telegraph Press, 1955), 171-176. 
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