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A special dispatch from Frankfort, Ky., to the Cincinnati Commercial, states that Geo. N. Sanders is at the former place, assuming to be the mouth-piece of Judge Douglas, and as such, advising the immediate secession of the border States, with a view to “reconstruction.” Atrocious as has been a large part of the public career of Mr. Douglas, we cannot wholly credit the statement that he has sent Sanders to Frankfort on any such treasonable mission. Although he has ignominiously retracted all his brave works about enforcing the laws and suppressing treason, uttered at Norfolk, Va., and has asserted there is no power under the Constitution to do either the one or the other, still we are not yet quite prepared to believe that he has set up in the treason business on his own account. Mr. Douglass’ constituents will await developments on this subject with not a little interest.