Proclamation of the Governor of Maryland, April 18, 1861

    Source citation
    "Proclamation of the Governor of Maryland," in Frank Moore, ed., The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Etc. (New York: G.P.Putnam, 1861), I: 76-77.
    Executive record
    Date Certainty
    Transcription adapted from The Rebellion Record (1861), edited by Frank Moore
    Adapted by Don Sailer, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following transcript has been adapted from The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Etc. (1861).


    The unfortunate state of affairs now existing in the country has greatly excited the people of Maryland.

    In consequence of our peculiar position, it is not to be expected that the people of the State can unanimously agree upon the best mode of preserving the honor and integrity of the State, and of maintaining within her limits that peace so earnestly desired by all good citizens.

    The emergency is great. The consequences of a rash step will be fearful. It is the imperative duty of every true son of Maryland to do all that he can to arrest the threatened evil. I therefore counsel the people, in all earnestness, to withhold their hands from whatever may tend to precipitate us into the gulf of discord and ruin gaping to receive us.

    I counsel the people to abstain from all heated controversy upon the subject, to avoid all things that tend to crimination and recrimination, to believe that the origin of our evil day may well be forgotten now by every patriot in the earnest desire to avert from us its fruit.

    All powers vested in the Governor of the State will be strenuously exerted, to preserve the peace and maintain inviolate the honor and integrity of Maryland.

    I call upon the people to obey the laws, and to aid the constituted authorities in their endeavors to preserve the fair fame of our State untarnished.

    I assure the people that no troops will be sent from Maryland, unless it may be for the defence of the national capital.

    It is my intention in the future, as it has been my endeavor in the past, to preserve the people of Maryland from civil war; and I invoke the assistance of every true and loyal citizen to aid me to this end.

    The people of the State will in a short time have the opportunity afforded them, in a special election for Members of the Congress of the United States, to express their devotion to the Union, or their desire to see it broken up.

    TH. H. HICKS,
    Governor of Maryland.

    BALTIMORE, April 18, 1861.

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