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WAKING UP. – Gov. Sprague of Rhode Island headed his own Volunteers at the Manassas Battle. It will be seen by the remarkable extract we make from his Message to the Legislature, that he has gone home from the battle field considerably enlightened as to the capabilities of the South to carry on this war. He appears to have underrated it in every respect, even to the physique of its men, which he has found – marvellous discovery! – to be equal to theirs. Let him come South again and take a few more lessons.
But the matter in the extract to which we would particularly call attention, is that the Governor has called the Legislature together to “see whether they are willing [under these new lights] to continue the liberal course which was inaugurated when the contest first began.” In other words, whether they are willing to be taxed to an unheard of extent, to support a war which the Governor plainly sees will result in the independence of the South. If the Governor would march the Legislature down South, and give them a chance for a Manassas race, it would not take them long to decide the question.