In the early morning hours, Union Commodore David Farragut's entire naval force made a successful effort to run past Fort Jackson, the main strongpoint on the Mississippi River, along with Fort St. Philip, defending New Orleans to the north. The forty-year old fort, already suffering from flooding from the rising river and battered by a massive five day barrage, could not halt the advance. Confederate naval forces fared no better and suffered heavy losses as Farragut's ships moved on New Orleans, arriving the next day. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Official Reports of Battles, as published by order of the Confederate Congress (Richmond, VA: Enquirer Book and Job Press, 1862), 378-379.
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 25-26.
Record Data
Date Certainty