General U.S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee attacked 22,000 Confederate troops dug in on high ground across three miles to block the Union advance on Vicksburg, Mississippi. Grant moved at dawn, and after heavy late morning fighting, his men took the crest of the hill at around 1 p.m.. Union reserves resisted a CSA counterattack and swept on to a solid victory, advancing to Baker's Creek Bridge before nightfall. The Confederates lost almost 4,000 men captured, wounded, or killed, including Brigadier General Lloyd Tilghman. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
"Battle of Champion's Hill," in David S. Heidler, Jeanne T. Heidler,(eds.), Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History (New York: W.W. Norton And Company, Inc., 200), 392.
Timothy B. Smith, Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg (New York: Savas Beatie, 2006), 363 pp.
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