Blocked at Jetersville, Lee's Army of Northern Virginia turned west seeking to escape. Sheridan's Union cavalry was harrassing them all the way and at Sailor's Creek, managed to cut off General R.S. Ewell's corps and hold them until the Union's Second and Sixth corps arrived. Ewell's men, almost a quarter of Lee's remaining strength, resisted and inflicted heavy casualties but ultimately 6000 men, incuding Ewell, were forced to surrender. This was the final large scale engagement of the war in Virginia. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 102.
Benson J. Lossing, The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America (Hartford, CT: T. Belnap, 1874), 554.
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