The previous week, John T. Ford had announced in the press that he was reopening his theater. He had quickly sold two hundred tickets but condemnation across Washington D.C. was very heavy. Secretary of War Stanton, on the pretext of public safety, surrounded the site with troops on this the scheduled opening day and prevented any performances. The Government purchased the theater from Ford soon after and converted it to offices. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 109.
Brendan H. Egan, Jr, Murder at Ford's Theatre: A Chronicle of An Assassination (Bloomington, IN: XLibris Corporation, 2008), np.
Brendan H. Egan, Jr, Murder at Ford's Theatre: A Chronicle of An Assassination (Bloomington, IN: XLibris Corporation, 2008), np.
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