Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: That we, the General Assembly of the State of Delaware, do hereby express our unqualified disapprobation of the bill lately passed by the lower House of Congress, now pending before the Senate, conferring upon the negroes of the District of Columbia the right of suffrage, and consider the passage of such a law would be a lasting stigma and disgrace to the free white men of this country, and a sad commentary upon their intellience.
Resolved, Further, That the immutable laws of God have affixed upon the brow of the white races the ineffaceable stamp of superiority, and that all attempt to elevate the negro to a social or political equality of the white man is futile and subversive of the ends and aims for which the American Government was established, and contrary to the doctrines and teachings of the Father of the Republic.
Resolved, Further That, in our opinion, the passage of such a law by Congress is but the key-note of other wron s and outra es to be hereafter inflicted upon the w ite people 0 the States.
Resolved, Further, That we tender to the white people of the District of Columbia our deep and sincere sympathy for them in their distress, and denounce the act as a violation of their popular rights recently manifested by an election.