Resolutions, Republican Party of New Hampshire in Convention, January, 3, 1866, Concord, New Hampshire.

    Source citation

    "New Hampshire," The American Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1866 (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873), 535-536.

    Author (from)
    Republican Party of New Hampshire
    Recipient (to)
    People of New Hampshire
    Date Certainty
    John Osborne, Dickinson College
    Transcription date

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Resolved, By the Union Republicans of New Hampshire, in convention assembled, That we rejoice with great joy that the dark cloud of war no longer overshadows our land, that the old flag of the Union again floats over every foot of the national territory, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, without anywhere smiling upon a master or frowning upon a slave; and we reverently thank the Almighty Ruler of the world that a most gigantic and Wicked rebellion, to perpetuate and strengthen human bondage, has been overruled to the establishment of universal liberty.
    Resolved, That in this hour of national congratulation over a united country, and a constitution free from the leprosy of slavery, we express our profound sorrow for the death of our late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, to whose patriotism, honesty of purpose, and unswerving fidelity to a great principle, we feel largely indebted for the triumph achieved, and a whole race made free. A continent saved to liberty will make his memory immortal.
    Resolved, That New Hampshire is justly proud of the gallantry and heroism of her brave sons who went forth to give their strength and their lives in defence of the Union and liberty; we owe it to ourselves and to them to maintain and embed in our Government the great principles for which they battled and so many of them fell.
    Resolved,That while we rejoice that chattel slavery no longer receives the sanction of law or constitution in our broad domain of the American Union, we cannot be blind to the fact that many of the States lately in rebellion have already adopted codes manifestly tending to the reestablishment of other forms of "involuntary servitude," little less oppressive than that which has just been abolished. It is the sacred duty of the President, and of Congress, to see that the ordinance of universal emancipation, written in the blood of our brothers and sons, be not by any subterfuge annulled or made of no effect.
    Resolved, That the scheme to subvert our neighboring republic of Mexico, and to plant by foreign bayonets an Austrian despotism instead, having had its origin in undisguised hostility to the United States, it is the urgent duty of our Government to take such decisive measures as will bring about the early abandonment of what, under the circumstances, is nothing less than a standing insult to our power, and a menace to our republican institutions.
    Resolved, That we recognize in Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, the just citizen, the sincere patriot, and the distinguished statesman; that the tone and temper of his late annual message to Congress meets our warm approbation, and augers well for the success of his administration. We pledge him our hearty confidence and support in all his efforts to restore harmony and mutual trust between the different sections of the Union, upon the basis of universal liberty, and exact justice to all.
    Resolved, That the State and the national faith, pledged for the public debt, incurred in defense of the Union, must be kept inviolate, and that we insist upon an economy in the public expenditures, and pledge the Republican party of New Hampshire to retrenchment and reform, wherever practicable. And of the sincerity of this pledge we give the highest guaranty in our power by presenting again for re-election our present popular chief magistrate, Hon. Frederick Smyth, against whose official or personal integrity not even political rancor has dared to utter a word. The people know his devotion to their interests, honor his integrity, and will triumphantly reelect him.


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