An altercation between locals and Union regulars garrisoning Brenham, Texas results in a massive fire.


Following an altercation in the town of Brenham, Texas between local civilians and off duty soldiers of the Seventeenth Infantry, Regular U.S. Army, shots were fired and several soldiers injured.  Officers sought to arrest those responsible but reportedly, after those in charge had returned to camp, vengeful soldiers fired a store in the center of town belonging to one of the accused locals and a large portion of the business district in the town were destroyed overnight.  Brenham was the hub of a troublesome mix of white regular federal soldiers occupying the town, Freemen's Bureau blacks, and a resentful and still-rebellious local white population. Trouble persisted there throughout the Reconstruction period.  (By John Osborne)  

Source Citation

"Texas," The American Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1866 (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873), 743.

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