Record Data
Guilty of Treason, Conspiracy and Murder.
The court met at 9 o’clock this morning. – The prisoner was brought in and the trial proceeded without delay. Brown looks better than heretofore, and his health is evidently improving. He laid on the bed as usual. After a lengthy argument by the attorneys for the defence, which was replied to by Mr. Hunter, for the State, the Judge charged the Jury, and submitted the case to their judgment.
THE VERDICT.- Guilty of “Treason, Conspiracy, and Murder.”
A recess for half an hour was taken, when the jury came in with their verdict. Intense excitement prevailed in the court-room. Brown sat up in his bed while the verdict was rendered. The jury find him guilty of treason, advising and conspiring with slaves and others to rebel, and for murder in the first degree.
Brown lay down quickly. He said nothing, and there was no demonstration of any kind. Brown was remanded to jail.
Mr. Harding announced that he was ready to proceed with the trial of Coppee [Coppoc], who was brought in, the ceremony of passing between a file of armed men being dispensed with.
Coppee sat between his counsel, Griswold and Hoyt. He seemed calm and composed.
The Confession of Copeland.
CLEVELAND, Oct. 31, 1859.
Copeland’s confession to the U.S. Marshal Johnson, of Ohio, is published this morning. – Copeland says he was furnished with money to go to Virginia by the two Messrs. Plumb, of Oberlin. Mrs. Sturdevant, of this city, knew of the plans, and she supposed her husband did also. The latter denies any previous knowledge of the affair. C.H. Laustraw, colored, is also implicated.