Record Data
Southern Democratic Sentiment concerning Northern Democrats.
From the Charleston Mercury.
The North has not got the legal control of Kansas. The Democratic party is not safe from the defections at the North, and Mr. BUCHANAN stands forth in favor of its admission, whether or not abolitionized. The South may cause trouble if Kansas is rejected. Three States stand ready to resist.
At this juncture Mr. DOUGLAS fulminates against the position of the President. His speech is the Senate is the clap-trap of a demagogue, looking to his position with an Anti-Slavery constituency in Illinois, of whom he is afraid. He never expected Kansas to come to Congress as a Slave State for admission – never intended good faith in the Nebraska-Kansas Act – though, as he afterwards is reported to have said, it was the best Anti-Slavery measure ever passed by Congress. We regret to perceive that he has been treated with respect and consideration – aye conciliated. He has been put at the head of the Committee on Territories in the Senate. His arguments have been mildly and elaborately answered, as if his inconsistencies were honest – his sophistries offered in the candor of belief. Southern men should have taken him up on the moment. He should have been stripped of the garb of patriotism, and held up to the country in his true light as a self-seeking renegade, truckling to the anti-slavery sentiment of his people. Thus exposed and demoralized before the county, his weak plausibility would have done no harm, and his power to injure would have been destroyed. We regret that Southern Senators have left the reply to gentlemen of the North. We are sorry that DOUGLAS has not been treated with the scorn and contempt he deserves at the hands of all true and earnest Southern men. We trust the Abolitionist of Kansas, if they fail now, will not be allowed another opportunity to accomplish the object of their foul mission to that Territory, that firmness will characterize the course of Southern Representatives in Congress, and that no disastrous Compromise in favor of the North will be foisted upon the South, by politicians, for the sake of party.