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A Combination to Cheat the People.
A set of “political gamblers” are combined together to cheat the Democracy of the country, four-fifths of whom are for Douglas. The Administration heads the list, and the office-holders are its “enlisted soldiers.” “The voice of the people have been smothered – the choice of the majority has been defeated,” was the universal cry when Gen. Jackson was thrown aside. In 1860 the Democracy declare for Douglas, and the political gamblers have combined to defeat their choice. Mr. Buchanan was loud in denunciation of “bargain, intrigue, and corruption,” in 1824, and in 1860 President Buchanan devises schemes of “bargain, intrigue, and corruption,” to defeat the man of the people, Stephen A. Douglas, to whose magnanimity he owes the Presidency. The people rebuked and put down the political gambler of 1824, and elected Jackson to the Presidency. They will grind the political gambler of 1860 bedenth their heels, and put Stephen A. Douglas in the chair which Mr. Buchanan fills so miserably.