Record Data
Important Rumor.
The Telegraphic correspondent of the Associated Press sends word that Gov. WALKER’S course in rejecting the fraudulent votes of the Oxford Precinct is condemned by the Administration, and that both he and Secretary STANTON will probably be removed.
This is certainly very startling intelligence, –and we await with a good deal of interest its correction or confirmation. It seems on the face of it very improbable. It does not seem credible that after all the pains taken to inform himself of the views of the Administration upon the subject of the Election, Gov. WALKER should have so far mistaken them as this report would indicate. Nor is it any more evident upon what grounds the President can base his censure of an act so clearly necessary to secure to the people of Kansas that sovereignty over their own affairs which was promised them in the Nebraska bill. If this action has been taken, we may evidently look for anything but peace and harmony in Kansas, and throughout the country, upon the question of Slavery.