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THE LITTLE GIANT. – Judge Douglas is waging a fierce war in Illinois against the Administration and the Black Republicans, who have united, as he charges, to secure his defeat by the Hon. L. Lincoln, the Republican candidate for the Senate. How far this is true, of course we know not; but as the contest is only between Douglas and Lincoln, and the Administration organs are warring against Douglas most bitterly, it would seem that Douglas is right.
With no special interest in Judge Douglas’s standing with his party, it is only just to say that whilst he is denounced by the Democracy throughout the South as a traitor and a Black Republican, in Illinois he is as earnest in his denunciation of Black Republicans and as zealous in his defense of Southern rights as he has been at any time heretofore. Some of the Southern Democrats have found this out, and such men as Stephens and Wright of Georgia, and Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, are open in their commendation of Douglas and condemnation of his Democratic assailants. Stephens and Johnson, we presume, have no Presidential aspirations, and are therefore unwilling to join in the war upon Douglas, which has originated merely in a desire to put him out of the way. His views upon sectional questions have nothing to do with the matter; the Democracy are denouncing him as an abolitionist upon the same principle which has for years controlled their action.
No great harm will come if they succeed in putting him on the shelf. And if the war results in shelving him and his assailants alike, a great good may be accomplished.