Moncure Daniel Conway Journal, January 11, 1851

    Source citation
    Moncure Daniel Conway, Diary, 1851-1853, MC 1999.6, Moncure Daniel
    Conway Family Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson
    College, Carlisle, PA, p. 1.
    Date Certainty
    Sayo Ayodele
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    On Sat. the 11th Jan. I went over to the Landing to meet my dear friend Mrs. Marshall, who came that far alone, after the way of a "woman's - rights woman" as she said. (There has been vast contumely & ridicule thrown on the "Worcester Convention" by the majority of both sexes. I rejoice therein greatly!) Mrs. M. came and everybody was delighted with her. O what a charming time we had. Aunt Mag. & Cousin Betty were here. I was very sorry that Ma had to leave whilst she was here: my dear Uncle Traverse was taken very ill & she was sent word to come. Poor Uncle T.! His embarrassment, & his loss of the Councillorship have done him much harm. I always held him among the dearest of my uncles. I certainly have few, if any, who are as talented & goodhearted as he.

    Whilst Mrs. M. was here we had an interesting Missionary Meeting in Fred'g., whereat Bp. James & Dr. Durbin were present. They both made good speeches & more than $1. per member was raised. We took tea with them - all of us - at Mr. Brown's. I went to see Miss Beck. Green; she had too bad a cold to attend the Meeting. Gave $1.00 to the Missionary Cause. Had supper on our return.

    How to Cite This Page: "Moncure Daniel Conway Journal, January 11, 1851," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,