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Republicanism in Virginia.
The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Evening Post says:
“It may seem somewhat singular with you, but I believe the Republicans in Virginia hold the balance of power between the two great parties to day. This is the opinion of a shrewd Virginian politician. There are thousands of Northern freemen already in Virginia. In a town not a dozen miles from Washington there are over fifty voters who come from the North, and are Republicans in sentiment. They proposed a month ago voting for Goggin, but his abuse of the Republicans lately disgusted them, and they agreed in a body to stay from the polls. By another gubernatorial election in Virginia the Republicans in the State will make themselves tell as a power.”
In the city of Wheeling alone there were four hundred Republicans who [staid?] away from the polls; and in Western Virginia enough to have given Goggin the majority for which he fought so hard; but their self-respect and sense of decency forbade their voting at all. Had he been less extreme on the slavery question, he would be Governor elect, to-day.