New York Times, "The New Troubles in Kansas," July 25, 1857

    Source citation
    “The New Troubles in Kansas - Concern of the Administration - Major McCulloch’s Report,” New York Times, July 25, 1857, p. 1.
    Author (from)
    Newspaper: Publication
    New York Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    The New Troubles in Kansas-Concern of the Administration-Major McCulloch’s Report
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Fralinger
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print.  Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original. 
    The New Troubles in Kansas-Concern of the Administration-Major McCulloch’s Report.

    Correspondence of the New York Daily Times.

    WASHINGTON, Wednesday, July 22.

    The President and Cabinet are much concerned at the attitude taken by the citizens of Lawrence, or rather at the determination manifested by the Free State party to adhere to and maintain the Topeka Constitution. The citizens of Lawrence, through their Committee, take the initiative in the contemplated support of the Topeka Government, in opposition to the Territorial Government. It is the commencement of the troubles which have been so long coming to a head.

    The occurrence of this emeute was not anticipated by the Administration, and certainly not by Governor WALKER, as his dispatches ever since the 1st of this month show.

    The Administration thought, in fact, that they had got over the Kansas problem, so far as Kansas was concerned, and they had nothing to trouble them in relation to that subject, except the fire from the petulant South.

    They will not withdraw from the position taken on this subject, and will give WALKER the whole army, if necessary, to quell what is called “the rebellion”.

    Major MCCULLOCH, who arrived here yesterday, had made rather an unfavorable report as to the condition and prospects of the emeute. How far the good people of Lawrence and elsewhere intend to carry out the movement is not known, and can only be conjectured from the t one of the late Topeka Convention, which seemed to be sufficiently divided for any purpose. The report that the people of Lawrence had refused a negotiation is very unpromising. They seem to go on the old maim, “The castle that parleys must surrender.” The next news may be, however, the restoration of peace and quiet, for it is too young a community to be able to afford time for indulgence of the bad passions, which are expensive luxuries of old cities and countries.

    Major MCCULLOCH’s report will have the effect, even if the present excitement can be calmed to secure the retention in Kansas of a large force. At the October election, and also upon the submission of the Topeka Constitution to the people, and on other occasions, a crisis may arrive that will endanger the peace of the Territory.

    In Gov. WALKER’S present position he is not, like Gov. GEARY, called upon to keep peace between two contending parties; but to maintain the Territorial laws against the usurped authority of one of them. He will not lack stimulants to excesses, while he, at the same time, will have fewer appeals to his moderation.

    I am glad, therefore, to see that he does propose to commence an attack, nor to use force, except in repelling force.
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