Record Data
Lincoln at the South.
The St. Louis Democrat of the 1st instant speaks as follows of the sudden [cessation?] of the disunion cry at the South upon the nomination of Lincoln:
“The effect of Lincoln’s nomination at the South is little less than miraculous. It seems to have tranquilized all the angry elements in that quarter, the democratic party alone excepted. The millenium contingent on the establishment of the southern confederacy, which was itself to be contingent upon the elections of a Republican to the Presidency, is evidently postponed. The note of preparation for the marshaling of armed hosts to dissolve the Union in the event of a Republican victory in November, is [heard?] no more throughout the land. The most desperate secessionist threatens no revolt, and advises no treasonable action. Whether all this is to be ascribed to the admitted conservatism of Lincoln’s character and opinions, is perhaps doubtful. We are of opinion that the thinking men of the South are, in reality, more favorable to his election than that of Douglas.”