Carlisle (PA) Herald and Expositor, "James Buchanan at Home," September 8, 1847

    Source citation
    “James Buchanan at Home,” Carlisle (PA) Herald and Expositor, September 8, 1847, p. 2: 3.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Carlisle Herald & Expositor
    Newspaper: Headline
    James Buchanan at Home
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Matt Dudek, Dickinson College
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    James Buchanan at Home

    A Lancaster correspondent of the Daily News gives a description of a rich scene which occurred at the locofoco County Convention, which met in Lancaster, on Wednesday last. The occurrence occurred in the afternoon session—the correspondent says:

    “At the regular hour they met, and the committee reported a set of resolutions, cut and dried, by the gallant Colonel (Reah Frazer) who was for some reason particularly careful not to mention our great Pennsylvanian, James Buchanan. After the Colonel had read his resolutions, purporting to be submitted by the Committee, a delegate offered an extra resolution, eulogising the Hon. James Buchanan. This [a’iz] the dander of the Colonel, who opposed it strenuously: he said he had been a Buchanan man, but he was not now, that Buchanan was no more a favorite son of Pennsylvania- he was not in favor of the resolution. The gentlemen who proposed the resolution insisted on its being acted on, and wished the Colonel to give some of the public acts of Mr. Buchanan that were contrary to the principles of Democracy. The Colonel said that when he was here on a visit, he would not help to pay for printing tickets and defraying election expenses – that he had sent a letter to our assessor denying his citizenship, (the Colonel here was in quite a foam) “and wanted to know what sort of men this Caesar Buchanan fed on “that we must worship him. He for one, would not.”

    A country delegate rose to reply to the Colonel but his wind failed him, and the Colonel shut him up. The complimentary resolution to Mr. Buchanan was afterward, on motion of Frazer, indefinitely postponed.- Truly Mr. Buchanan is no longer the “favorite son.”

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