Personal |
Charles Lush Wilson dies in San Antonio, Texas |
Education/Culture |
Spencer Fullerton Baird is appointed secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 45th Congress closes in Washington, DC |
Personal |
Sidney Breese dies in Pinkneyville, Illinois |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 45th Congress opens in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 45th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 45th Congress in Washington DC is in its two week holiday recesss |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 45th Congress in Washington DC returns from its two week holiday recesss |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 45th Congress is sitting in Washington DC from early January to early March, 1879 |
Legal/Political |
The 45th Congress comes to the end of its term in Washington DC |
Lawmaking/Litigating |
The 46th Congress opens in Washington, DC |
Lawmaking/Litigating |
The first session of the 46th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC between mid-March and the end of June, 1879 |
Lawmaking/Litigating |
The first session of the 46th Congress ends in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress opens in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress breaks for the holiday season |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress is in its traditional holiday recess till January 7, 1880 |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress resumes in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC from early January to mid-June, 1880 |
Legal/Political |
The second session of the 46th Congress ends in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 46th Congress opens in Washington, DC |
Legal/Political |
The third session of the 46th Congress begins its holiday recess in Washington, DC |
Lawmaking/Litigating |
The third session of the 46th Congress begins its holiday recess in Washington, DC |
Personal |
Orville Hickman Browning dies in Quincy, Illinois |
Personal |
John H. Addams dies in Green Bay, Wisconsin |
Personal |
John W. Forney dies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Personal |
Mary Lincoln dies in Springfield, Illinois |
Legal/Political |
Shelby Moore Cullom serves in the United States Senate |
Personal |
David Davis marries Maddie Burr in Fayetteville, North Carolina |
Personal |
Gustavus Vasa Fox dies in New York City |