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Personal Horace White dies in New York City
Personal Shelby Moore Cullom dies in Washington, DC
Personal In 1913, Harriet Tubman dies at age ninety-one
Personal Alexander McClure dies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Personal Moncure Conway dies in Paris, France
Personal Robert Roberts Hitt dies in Newport, Rhode Island
Personal Moncure Conway attends the Nathaniel Hawthorne centennial celebration in Concord, Massachusetts
Personal William Still dies in Philadelphia
Personal John McAuley Palmer dies in Springfield, Illinois
Personal Joseph Medill dies in San Antonio, Texas
Personal Adele Cutts Douglas dies in Washington, DC
Personal - Moncure Conway leaves America for Paris, France
Personal Moncure Conway moves back to New York City after his wife is diagnosed with cancer
Personal A supporter of the women's suffrage movement, Tubman speaks at the 1896 Rochester Convention
Personal Lyman Trumbull dies in Chicago, Illinois
Personal Gustave Philipp Koerner dies in Belleville, Illinois
Personal John Courts Bagby dies in Rushville, Illinois
Personal - Fulfilling one of her goals, Harriet Tubman opens a home to care for sick and impoverished African Americans
Personal Andrew Gregg Curtin dies in Bellefonte, Pennslyvania
Campaigns/Elections Lyman Trumbull speaks at the People’s Party convention in Chicago, Illinois
Personal Burton Chauncey Cook dies in Evanston, Illinois
Personal William Danenhower dies in Washington, DC
Personal Ozias Mather Hatch dies in Springfield, Illinois
Religion/Philosophy - Moncure Conway returns to South Place Chapel in London
Personal William Herndon dies at his home in Fancy Creek Township, Illinois
Legal/Political - John McAuley Palmer serves in the United States Senate
Personal Simon Cameron dies in Maytown, Pennsylvania
Personal Leonard Swett dies in Chicago, Illinois
Personal John Wentworth dies in Chicago, Illinois
Personal Gustave Philipp Koerner's wife dies