
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
US/the World On Sicily, Messina falls to Garibaldi and his men
Business/Industry Sixty-nine pound gold nugget dug up in the Australian gold fields
Education/Culture Chauncey Olcott born in Buffalo, New York
US/the World On his North American tour, the Prince of Wales stops at Sydney on Cape Breton en route to Halifax, Nova Scotia
US/the World French Government appropriate ten million francs for a massive reforestation project
Campaigns/Elections California Breckinridge Democrats organize in San Francisco
Education/Culture In Little Rock, Arkansas, feuding newspaper editor "plays the race card" against his part Cherokee rival
Campaigns/Elections From Missouri, Carl Schurz writes to his wife of his success in winning German-born voters to the Republican side
US/the World On the first leg of his North American tour, the Prince of Wales arrives in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Business/Industry The giant steamship "Great Eastern" sails from New York on an excursion to Cape May, New Jersey
US/the World Convention signed in Sicily for the evacuation of royal forces from the island
Education/Culture In New York baseball, the Atlantic and Mutual Clubs meet in Hoboken
Crime/Disasters In Kansas, tornadoes destroy homes and buildings
Campaigns/Elections In San Francisco, Democratic Party talks aimed at uniting Electoral College votes against the Republicans fail
US/the World - On the first leg of his North American tour, the Prince of Wales visits Halifax, Nova Scotia
Campaigns/Elections In Indiana, the Breckinridge Democrats meet in a state convention in Indianapolis
Science/Technology - The American Scientific Association meets in Newport, Rhode Island
Education/Culture New York teachers debate the place of black children in the state's public schools
Business/Industry In Connecticut, the Hartford Hospital opens its doors
US/the World In China, British and French troops land at the port of Beitang in preparation for a march on Beijing
Business/Industry On the California coast, J. C. Gore sells the ranch that will become Pebble Beach Golf Course
Education/Culture Charles W. Sanders publishes his "revised, improved, and newly illustrated" edition of school readers
Campaigns/Elections Nebraska Republicans hold their territorial convention at Plattsmouth
US/the World - On his North American tour, the Prince of Wales visits St. John, New Brunswick
Education/Culture Cincinnati city solicitor Rutherford B. Hayes and his wife set out on a tour of the East
Education/Culture In Maine, Bowdoin College holds graduation ceremonies for its class of 1860
Crime/Disasters Train derails after hitting a cow near Brooklyn, New York and a fireman is killed
Crime/Disasters Fight between elderly room-mates in the New York City Almshouse results in death
US/the World European powers hold conference in Paris on the recent massacres of Christians in Lebanon and Syria
US/the World - On his North American tour, the Prince of Wales visits Fredericton, capital of New Brunswick