
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
US/the World - On his North American tour, the Prince of Wales visits Fredericton, capital of New Brunswick
Battles/Soldiers William Walker and his men capture Trujillo on the Honduran coast
Education/Culture - In Hoboken, New Jersey, seventh annual U.S.A. vs. Canada cricket match ends with a home victory
Science/Technology American Scientific Association closes its fourteenth annual meeting in Newport, Rhode Island
Education/Culture - American Normal School Association meets in Buffalo, New York
Battles/Soldiers In Trujillo, William Walker proclaims his support for the Honduran people against their government
US/the World In Edinburgh, Queen Victoria reviews 21,000 men of the Scottish Volunteer Movement
Education/Culture In Brooklyn baseball, a massive crowd watches the Atlantics beat the Excelsiors
Campaigns/Elections Giant Republican rally in Springfield, Illinois
Crime/Disasters In Maryland, fire devastates the entire town of Salisbury
Business/Industry President Buchanan visits the British liner Great Eastern, anchored in Chesapeake Bay
US/the World - Continuing his North American tour, the Prince of Wales is in Charlottetown on Prince Edward's Island
Campaigns/Elections South Carolina congressman calls for secession should Abraham Lincoln win the general election
Slavery/Abolition Royal Navy capture American-built slave ship "Sunny South" off Mozambique
US/the World In Mexico, liberal General Ortega crushes conservative president Miramón and his forces at Silao
Crime/Disasters - Hurricane kills forty-seven people in Louisiana
Science/Technology British fire the world's first breech-loading rifled cannon in anger for the first time in China
Personal Annie Oakley, sharpshooter, is born in Darke County, Ohio
US/the World Prince Danilo of Montenegro shot by assassin
Crime/Disasters Powerful thunderstorms hit Philadelphia
Personal American naturalist and Boy Scout pioneer Ernest Thompson Seton born in northern England
US/the World Shot by an assassin the day before, Prince Danilo of Montenegro dies of his wounds
Personal African-American actress and activist Henrietta Vinton Davis born in Baltimore, Maryland
US/the World Ship full of donated military equipment arrives at Garibaldi's Sicilian base from England
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys mills near Philadelphia
Business/Industry The S.S. Great Eastern sails from New York for home after her first visit to the United States
Crime/Disasters - Massive fire on the London Docks burns for two days causing a million dollars in damage
Campaigns/Elections Illinois Constitutional Union supporters hold their state convention in Decatur
Campaigns/Elections Nebraska Democrats hold their territorial convention at Omaha
Campaigns/Elections Sam Houston of Texas withdraws his name from consideration in the presidential contest