
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Religion/Philosophy In Washington, the capital's Catholic congregations donate in aid of the Pope and his troubles in Italy
Science/Technology - First International Chemical Congress meets in Karlsruhe, Germany
Battles/Soldiers In Honduras, American filibuster William Walker surrenders to the British Royal Navy
US/the World In northern England, eleven killed and scores injured in a railway accident
Crime/Disasters New York Police round up hundreds of street beggars throughout the city
Campaigns/Elections In Vermont, Republicans win state-wide elections
Campaigns/Elections Senator W.H. Seward speaks in Detroit on a campaign swing for Republicans in Michigan
Campaigns/Elections Another huge Republican rally, this time in Jersey City, New Jersey
Campaigns/Elections - In California, Douglas Democrats hold their state convention in Sacramento and choose electors
Personal Jane Addams born in Cedarville, Illinois
Campaigns/Elections In Baltimore, Stephen Douglas speaks to a large crowd in Monument Square
US/the World King Ferdinand of Naples evacuates his capital
US/the World - The Prince of Wales' tour moves on to Toronto, capital of Upper Canada
Campaigns/Elections Senator Douglas's campaign swing reaches Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Education/Culture In baseball, Union and Excelsior play one of the lowest scoring games on record, final score 7-4
Crime/Disasters Almost three hundred drown on Lake Michigan in an excursion steamer collision
Education/Culture Anna Mary Robertson, the future artist "Grandma Moses," is born in Greenwich, New York
US/the World In Italy, Garibaldi enters Naples in triumph
Science/Technology Telegraph lines continue to cross the Nebraska Territory with the opening of the Omaha office
US/the World Count Cavour of Piedmont warns the Papal States over their response to nationalist uprisings
Crime/Disasters Bangor, Maine based brig capsizes in a storm off Cape Cod and only one of seven aboard survive
Crime/Disasters - In Idaho, an emigrant wagon train attacked and scattered by Indians
Crime/Disasters Royal Navy warship lost with all hands in a typhoon off the coast of Japan
Crime/Disasters In Medford, Massachusetts, fire destroys the Second Congregational Church
Education/Culture In Ohio, the city of Cleveland honors Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry with a marble statue
Campaigns/Elections Republicans sweep the Maine state-wide elections
Campaigns/Elections Four thousand "Wide Awake" club members march in a torch-lit parade through Albany, New York
Education/Culture - The American Pomological Society holds its sixth national meeting in Philadelphia
Campaigns/Elections In California, Breckinridge Democrats hold their state convention in Sacramento and choose electors
US/the World In central Italy, Piedmont-Sardinia invades the Papal States