Locust Grove Cemetery, Shippensburg, PA

Located on North Queen Street, Shippensburg, PA [40.05651, -77.51497]. Notable burials from Pennsylvania's Grand Review 100 Voices include: John Boles Sr., 41st USCT; Cyrus Bushrod, Co. H, 127th USCT, Joseph L. Robinson, Co. B, 25th USCT; Henry J. Galloway, Co. H, 55th Mass; Joseph H. Lane, Co. G, 22nd USCT; Joseph Rideout, Co. I, 22nd USCT; James Shirk, Co. H, 54th Mass.; John Shirk, Co. K, 54th Mass.; Samuel A. Wright, Co. E, 127th USCT

Other USCT burials include: John A. Barnet, Co. B, 3rd USCT; John Boles, Sr., Co. B, 43rd USCT; Cyrus Bushrod, 127th USCT; William Carter, Co. B, 25th USCT; Samuel Cotton, Troop M, 2nd Cavalry USCT; Marshall Dixon, Co. G, 32nd USCT; Robert Green, Co. E, 127th USCT; James E. Halliday, Co. E, 127th USCT; John W. Hinton, Co. C, 127th USCT; Philip Holmes, 127th USCT; Joseph H. Lane, Co. G, 22nd USCT; Levi Richardson, 127th USCT; Washington Robinson, Co. H, 24th USCT; John Y. Smith, Co C, 25th USCT; Joseph Stevenson, Co. H, 22nd USCT; Michael Wilson, 45th USCT; Paris Jacob Wilson, (unknown); Daniel Wright, Co. A, 24th USCT; Samuel Wright, Co. E, 127th USCT.
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