Resolutions, Republican Party of Michigan in Convention, August 30, 1866, Detroit, Michigan.

    Source citation

    "Michigan," The American Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1866 (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873), 507-508.

    Author (from)
    Republican Party of Michigan
    Recipient (to)
    People of Michigan
    Date Certainty
    John Osborne, Dickinson College
    Transcription date

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Resolved, That, defeated in the field, the enemy has renewed the struggle through the ballot-box, and by political machinations aims at the governance of that which it failed to destroy. In this crisis, it behooves us to stand together as firmly as in the suppression of the rebellion, and relying upon those who, in the peril of the Republic, proved themselves worthy of our trust, go straight onward with the loyal masses of the country, confident that the same Wisdom, energy, and fidelity, that sufficed to save us from our armed foes, will protect us against the stratagems of our political opponents, and that through the triumph of our principles, the Union of our fathers, newly cemented by the blood of their children, will be firmly established on the enduring foundation of justice and liberty.
    Resolved, That, by their acts of treason and rebellion, and by their erection of governments in hostility to the United States, the rebel communities disrupted their civil society, abrogated their political institutions, and left their States without governments known to the Constitution, or recognized by the Government of the United States; that to Congress alone belongs the imperative duty of declaring when any such State is properly reorganized, and any government therein is legitimately constituted, so as to resume its former political relations with the National Government, and of deciding when Senators and Representatives from any such State are entitled to admission; that in the determination of such questions it is the right, as the duty of Congress to guard against future danger to the peace and stability of the Republic, and such State ought to be recognized as fit to enjoy the privileges belonging to any State in this Union, only when the people thereof shall have by their conduct given clear and satisfactory proof that they loyally accept the situation, and have evinced an honest disposition to abide by the results of the conflict, not only as involved in their physical defeat, but in the triumph of the great principles which have been maintained and settled by the war.
    Resolved, That, in the rehabilitation of the rebel communities, it is the first and highest duty of the Government to look to and provide for the protection of these who under persecution and oppression remained loyal to the United States, and that as one result of the struggle has been the emancipation of millions of human beings, who are in a great degree incapable of self-protection in the midst of a hostile element no scheme of restoration ought to be approved which leaves them naked to their rebel enemies - since, as citizens of the United States, they are entitled to its protection in securing equality before the law in the maintenance of life, liberty, and property, the common and inalienable rights of mankind. 
    Resolved, That we approve the constitutional amendment lately propose by Congress for the acceptunce of the States. The change in basis of representation is imperatively demanded by the altered condition of the people of the nation; and the exclusion from office of leading rebels and actual perjured traitors, is not only a measure of justice and security eminently proper, but of unexampled mercy, as the mildest and most generous terms of amnesty and oblivion ever offered to a rebellious enemy.
    Resolved, That, while it is the duty of the United States to cause existing neutrality laws to be respected, yet it is not required that those laws shall be so framed as to render special benefits to other nations which are not accorded to us by them, and especially are we not bound to be particularly regardful of the interests of those nations that during our late civil struggle manifested an unfriendly spirit towards us, and an undue bias in favor of our enemies; and we, therefore, ask the Congress of the United States to review those statutes, and cause them to conform to the strict rule of justice and fair neutrality.
    Resolved, That we most heartily sympathize with the movement of the laboring men of our country to shorten the hours of toil, and we believe that legislation for the accomplishment of this object will aid to improve the condition of the working classes, and be in no wise detrimental to the interests of the country or to capital.
    Resolved, That we regard the conditions embraced in the Congressional plan of reconstruction as fundamental, and indispensable to the future peace of the country, and securing as they do by constitutional amendment the civil rights of all citizens of the United States, the right of life, liberty, and property, everywhere under the flag — the exclusion of such traitors as, while in high places, committed perjury to enact treason — representation in Congress that shall be equal and just to all — the guaranty and security of the national debt — these propositions, one and all, meet our hearty concurrence, and we pledge unending hostility to any and every plan of reconstruction that will not fully secure these great results of the war.
    Resolved, That we scout and scorn, as unworthy of freemen, that political blasphemy which says, "This is the white man’s Government." It is not the white man’s Government, nor the black man's Government. It is God’s Government made for man! And all men who are true and loyal to it, of whatever race or country, color, or condition shall have, under its triumphant and glorious flag, all those great and inalienable rights that belong to man as man!

    How to Cite This Page: "Resolutions, Republican Party of Michigan in Convention, August 30, 1866, Detroit, Michigan.," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,