Milton, MO


MILTON, A post village of Randolph county, in Union township, situated on the east fork of Salt river, twelve miles from Huntsville, the county seat, 156 miles from St. Louis, and 75 miles from Jefferson City.  It was first settled by James B. Dameron in the year 1836 - in 1840 a post-office was established.  There are two stage routes, one to Paris, 18 miles, and one to Huntsville, 12 miles.  It contains one church, (Methodist) one Masonic lodge, No. 151, and one Odd Fellows, No. 79, two blacksmiths, one boot and shoemaker, two cabinet makers, two carpenters and builders, two carriages and wagon makers, one clothing dealer, one general store, one milliner and dress maker, and one hotel.  The chief products are corn, wheat, oats, and tobacco.  The average price of uncultivated lands $10 per acre, cultivated $15.  Population 150.  (The Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1860)

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