Record Data
Illinois Republican State Convention.
The Republican State Convention of Illinois met at Springfield on the 16th inst. Ninety five counties were represented, and the proceedings were animated and harmonious. Hon. GUSTAVUS KOERNER, of St. Clair, presided, and made a speech reviewing the errors of the Administration. The following nominations were made: For State Treasurer – JAMES MILLER, of McKean County ; for Superintendent of Public Instruction – NEWTON BATEMAN. A State Central Committee, ten members, was appointed. A resolution, adopted unanimously, expressed approval of the course of Senator TRUMBULL, and the choice of the Convention for a successor to DOUGLAS, was declared to be the Hon. ALVAIN [ABRAHAM] LINCOLN. On the evening before the assembling of the Convention, Mr. LINCOLN made an eloquent speech to an immense crowd gathered in front of the State House, and after the adjournment of the Convention, addressed the members in the Representatives’ Hall. There were nearly fifteen hundred persons in attendance at this Convention.