Record Data
Important Rules Respecting Postage.
As a good deal of misapprehension exists in regard to the payment of postage, we make the following explanations: -
1. Whenever postage is prepaid it must be by stamps.
2. Pre-payment of postage is optional on letters to Canada and the British North American Provinces, and to the countries of Europe, except Portugal and Spain. With these two exceptions, therefore, letters may be sent to the provinces and countries referred to, paid or unpaid.
3. In all other cases pre-payment of postage is compulsory, except on letters to Algeria, Tunis, Egypt, Beyrout and Smyran.
4. In cases where the prepayment of postage is compulsory the whole postage must be paid by stamps.
5. Persons pre-paying postage should see that the addition of the stamps does not increase the weight of their letters, so as to make them chargeable with an additional rate. In all such cases, if prepayment is compulsory, the letters not being fully paid are detained and sent to the Dead Letter Office to be opened and returned to the writers; or, if pre-payment is option, they are sent to their destination as unpaid letters, and the partial pre-payment is, in general, a loss to the person by whom it is made.
Our new regulation is similar to the one existing in England.