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WHAT TO DO WITH MR. DOUGLAS. The Charleston (S. C.) News, referring to the chances of Mr. Douglas’s nomination, insists that in such an event, the Southern delegates “should withdraw from the Convention, hold one of their own, which would in fact be the true democratic body, and present a constitutional platform and nomination to the country. It would defeat both wings of the opposition.”
“The reason for such a course is, that Douglas’s majority comes from the States which are black republican, and whose democratic factions to be represented here, cannot carry them even for their free soil leaders. The South must never consent that these delegates shall dictate the platform and nomination, and force upon her States, which constitute the democratic party, in reality, a man treacherous to their principals and inimical to their interest. The platform and nomination should come only from the States which voted the democratic ticket in the previous Presidential election, and a rule to this effect, if there must be democratic conventions, should be adopted.”