William Henry Seward to Andrew Johnson, February 23, 1866 (telegram) |
Letter |
"The Culprits," Chicago Tribune, February 23, 1866 |
Newspaper |
E.J. Bantz to Andrew Johnson, February 25, 1866 |
Letter |
"Mrs. Swisshelm Guillotined," Chicago Tribune, March 2, 1866 |
Newspaper |
Resolutions, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Convention, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1866 |
Legislative record |
Selected Resolutions, Pennsylvania Republican Party Convention, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1866 |
Legislative record |
Ulysses S. Grant to Andrew Johnson, March 16, 1866 |
Letter |
Andrew Johnson, Civil Rights Bill Veto Message, March 27, 1866 |
Executive record |
Queen Victoria to George Peabody, Windsor Castle, England, March 28, 1866 |
Letter |
"The President's Veto," Daily Union and American (Nashville, TN), March 28, 1866 |
Newspaper |
"President Johnson and His Enemies," Daily Union and American (Nashville, TN), March 28, 1866 |
Newspaper |
"Colored Suffrage in Wisconsin," Chicago Tribune, March 29, 1866 |
Newspaper |
George William Curtis, "The Civil Rights Bill," Harper's Weekly Magazine, March 31, 1866, p. 194. |
Newspaper |
Andrew Johnson, Proclamation announcing that the Rebellion has ended, April 2, 1866 |
Executive record |
George Peabody to Queen Victoria, London, England, April 3, 1866 |
Letter |
Brigadier General Davis Tillson to Major General Oliver O. Howard, Augusta, Georgia, April 7, 1866 |
Letter |
An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and to furnish the means for their Vindication, April 9, 1866 |
Statute |
George William Curtis, "The Civil Rights Bill," Harper's Weekly Magazine, April 14, 1866, pp. 226-227. |
Newspaper |
Brigadier General Edward D. Townsend to Major General Oliver O. Howard, Washington, D.C., April 17, 1866 |
Military record |
Edmund Cooper to Governor Jonathan Worth, Washington DC, April 21, 1866 |
Executive record |