Record Data
Maryland Election – Baltimore Riots
As has been the case for some years past, the late elections in Baltimore were attended with riot and bloodshed; and as usual, the Democracy falsely charge it to the Whigs and Americans. It is very clear, however, to any unprejudiced mind, that the Locofoco reformers, as they are called, are responsible for the disturbances and bloodshed, and it is truly gratifying that they failed in their object of taking possession of the ballot boxes, and driving the Whigs from the polls. The Baltimore Patriot says, that it has credible information that the Locofoco party of Baltimore, known now as “Reformers,” had, prior to the election in that city on Wednesday last, a body of 300 men, divided into hands of 15 each, fully armed and officered, for the purpose of taking possession of the Polls in the 20th Ward, and of excluding the opposition from voting. We take the following from the Register as the result of the Maryland Elections:
“MARYLAND ELECTIONS. – The returns from the Maryland elections show that the Congressional delegates will stand the same as last year, viz: three Opposition and three Democrats. The American candidate for State Comptroller is elected by a large majority. The House of Delegates and Senate are in the hands of the Democrats. The Opposition majority in Baltimore is upward of 12,000.
Baltimore, Nov. 6 – The counties are all in. The Senate stands 12 Democrats to 10 Americans, and the House will contain 48 Democrats to 28 Americans.”
On Monday, preceding the election, Mr. McPhail, acting Mayor of Baltimore, was seriously, if not fatally shot, by a Mr. Hanna, reporter of the Baltimore Sun, a violent Locofoco sheet. The Sun, says an exchange, is a known Locofoco sheet, which has done more, perhaps than any other paper, to injure the fair name of the city, and to cast odium on the Americans, by falsely charging them with broils for which the democracy were responsible; and it is hoped that the public will now perceive upon whom the responsibility of this rowdyism rests.
It is with great pleasure that we record the triumphant election to Congress of Messrs. Davis, Harris, and Webster, good Whigs.