Latest Intelligence

    Source citation
    “Latest Intelligence,” New York Daily Times, 13 July 1857, p. 5.
    Author (from)
    Newspaper: Publication
    New York Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    Latest Intelligence
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Fralinger
    Transcription date
    Transcriber's Comments
    Know Nothings tagged as American Party. More tags - Mormon, "Cass, Gen.", Mississippi, Ohio, "Vinton, Mr.", "Springfield, Illinois", Territorial Act, "Bowlin, Judge",
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print.  Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.
    By Telegraph to the N.Y. Daily Times.
    Magnetic Telegraph Co’s Offices- 43 Wall-et and 181 Broadway.
    Adhesion of Governor Wise to the Kansas Policy of the Administration- A New Treaty with Mexico, &c.
    Special Dispatch to the New York Daily Times.
    WASHINGTON, Sunday, July 12.
    The Administration is triumphant over Secession and Nullification. Governor WISE supports the Kansas policy of Governor WALKER, and the opposition is now confined to Georgia, Mississippi and the Tennessee stronghold of Know-Nothingism.

    Instructions are to be forthwith sent to our Minister in Mexico for the negotiation of a new Treaty, which will include the grant to us of a perpetual right of way over the Tehuantepec Isihmus. X Y. Z.


    WASHINGTON, Sunday, July 12

    The Cabinet and President approves of the firm and decided measures suggested by Gen. CASS, to be adopted in reference to all our foreign relations. The protection of our citizens and property in foreign countries is to be greatly enlarged, and a more summary course pursued than was adopted by other Administrations to obtain redress; as was the case in regard to the injuries and insults of Spain to out citizens and the American flag.

    The President received a dispatch yesterday from Governor WALKER , of Kansas, in which he expresses the fullest confidence of being able to bring matters to a peaceable termination, and speaks of the utmost harmony prevailing among the people of both parties.

    A tremendous heavy rain fell yesterday about 1 o’clock P.M, washing up the pavements, and damaging the roofs and walls of houses. UNO.

    Military Proceedings Against the Mormons- Our Difficulties with New-Granada- No Probability of Settlement, &c.
    Correspondence of the New York Daily Times.

    Washington, Saturday, July 11, 1857.

    The Administration are, at length, alive to the necessity of crushing out the Mormons, as a set of vipers, while it is yet within their power. They are sensible that the temporizing policy of the late Administration had the effect to give confidence to BRIGHAM YOUNG and his followers and encourage them to persist in a treasonable course towards the United States.

    The military arrangements have been made with great skill, and with a view to actual service, and to ample supplies for a Winter campaign. The veteran Lieutenant-General SCOTT, and Quartermaster-General JESUP, superintended these arrangements.

    There is now no doubt that processes against BRIGHAM YOUNG and others for treason and felony will be issued, and they will be tried. The question between the United States law and Mormon occupations will be settled, whether with or without force.

    There is no doubt that the Congress committed a gross error when they constituted for Utah a Territorial Government. They had every reason to doubt the expediency of permitting a body of foreign fanatics to form a Government in the centre of the Continent, and on the route between the Mississippi and the Pacific.

    The Mormon, when they were expelled from Nauvoo and plunged into the wilderness, intended to set up a separate and independent Government and claim the country as their own.

    Mr. VINTON, of Ohio, opposed the Territorial bill on this ground, and proposed the same course which Senator DOUGLASS in his late speech at Springfield has suggested that Mr. VINTON wished then to subject the inhabitants of Utah to the laws which regulate the unorganized Territory of the United States.

    Every man in Utah is a squatter, and is not entitled to preemption.

    There is no preemption law which can apply to Utah, so as to enable its inhabitants to take up for preemption lands, prior to their being surveyed, once offered for sale or entry. The matter is finally to be settled by the repeal of the Territorial Act, or by attaching the whole Territory, in four separate parcels, to the contiguous States and Territories, which can be done under a provision of the act itself.

    In view of the difficulties that are likely to arise, the Government has wisely transferred Col. JACK HAYS, the celebrated Indian fighter from the Survey-or-Generalship of California to that of Utah.

    Judge BOWLIN, the late Minister to New-Granada has had several interviews with the Secretary of State. He brings intelligence of important nature; no change having occurred in the situation of our affairs with New-Granada.

    President OSPINA, however much disposed he may be towards an adjustment of the impending questions is not able to resist the tide of popular prejudice against the Americans.

    It appears too, that the treaty-making power, according to the Constitution of New-Granada, is not vested in the President, with the consent of the Senate, as is the case with the United States, but in the popular branch of Congress also, and it requires the concurrence of the President, the Senate and the popular branch to ratify a treaty.

    This provision will render it exceedingly difficult even to adjust the matter upon our terms by a treaty.

    If the President of the United States had the war-making power, he would, no doubt, resort at once to force. As it is, he will await the meeting of Congress, and lay the matter before that body, and probably ask for certain powers to bring to question an issue.

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