John McClintock (National Cyclopaedia)

"McClintock, John," The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography (New York: James T. White & Company, 1895), 6: 432.
McCLINTOCK, John, theologian and author, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 27, 1814. He was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1835, and in 1836 was appointed to the chair of mathematics in Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. He became professor of Greek and Latin in 1840, a position he held for eight years. Previous to his graduation he had preached in the New Jersey conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in 1848 he was elected by the general conference to edit the "Methodist Quarterly Review," which he did for eight years with scholarly ability, giving to that journal a high literary tone and character. His essays on the philosophy of Comte attracted the French philosopher's notice, and led to a correspondence between them. Dr. McClintock was a delegate, in company with Bishop Simpson, to the Wesleyan Methodist conference of England, in 1856, and also to the assembly of the Evangelical Alliance at Berlin, the same year. In 1857 he became pastor of St. Paul's Church, New York city, and was soon known as one of the most popular and elegant preachers of the metropolis. On the expiration of his term, in 1860, he sailed for Europe, and had charge of the American chapel in Paris during the civil war. At the Wesleyan missionary anniversary held in London during this time, he availed himself at his position as speaker to affirm his reliance in the harmonious relations between England and the United States. He also contributed letters to the "Methodist" which kept his countrymen apprised of the state of European opinion on that great conflict. On his return Dr. McClintock was again appointed pastor of St. Paul's Church, but was soon compelled to resign, owing to delicate health. He was chairman of the central centenary committee in charge of the centennial anniversary of American Methodism in 1866; and when Daniel Drew founded the Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, N. J., in connection with that event, Dr. McClintock was its first president, and retained his connection with the institution until his death. The degree of D. D. was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania in 1848, and that of L. L. D. by Rutgers in 1866. Besides his contributions to periodical literature, and an important series of Greek and Latin text-books in connection with Rev. George R. Crooks (1836-40), Dr. McClintock was engaged for the last years of his life on a " Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature" (12 vols.), which is a monument of scholarship and theological learning. This was begun in 1853, in conjunction with Dr. Strong, who has gone on with the work, which was not completed at Dr. McClintock's death. Among other publications are:  Neander's  "Life of Christ " (1847), translated in connection with Carolus E. Blumenthal; "Sketches of Eminent Methodist Ministers " (1852); "The Temporal Power of the Pope" (1853); and a translation of Bungener's " History of the Council of Trent " (1858). "Living Words," a collection of sermons by Dr. McClintock (1870), and "Lectures on Theological EncyclopÅ“dia and Methodology" (1873), were issued after his death. He died in Madison, N. J., Mar. 4, 1870.
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