Treason - Arrest, &c.

    Source citation
    "Treason - Arrest, &c.," Rochester (NY) Frederick Douglass Paper, October 16, 1851.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Rochester (NY) Frederick Douglass' Paper
    Newspaper: Headline
    Treason - Arrest, &c.
    Date Certainty
    Michael Blake
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    TREASON - ARREST, &c. - The employers of government have been very busy trying to catch as many poor blacks as they can near Christiana, and some fifty are now in custody. They are charged with treason, and being dark-skinned, it will go hard with them, if they do not suffer as traitors.
    The investigation goes on briskly in Philadelphia.

    A fugitive was arrested on the 15th - a new escape - and of course handed over, as no black man has a right to his freedom.

    Young GORSUCH will recover. - True Dem.

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