From Kansas

    Source citation
    “From Kansas,” New York Daily Times, 24 April 1857, p. 2.
    Newspaper: Publication
    New York Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    From Kansas
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    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print.  Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    The New Governor- Political Movements- Progress of Emigration.

    WYANDOT, K. T., Monday, April 6, 1857.

    The great item of political interest in Kansas at present is the change of Territorial Governors. The resignation of Governor GEARY took the country by surprise, but it was believed that he would be reappointed and return armed with full powers to administer the Government which the United States claims as its right over the Territory. The appointment of Mr. WALKER was of course a most startling one, and was the cause of much apprehension among the conservative citizens here. The regret that GEARY had not been sustained was general, and his abandonment by the Executive was a bad sign with which to indicate the policy of his successor. It was known that for weeks before Geary’s departure East, all military power had been taken from his hands by PIERCE; and it was a knowledge of this fact on the part of SHERRARD and his friends which emboldened them to pursue the reckless course which had so fatal a result. The complicity of the Administration with the ultra Pro-Slavery Party was as evident here as in any part of its preceding history. It was hoped and believed, even by ardent Republicans, that Mr. BUCHANAN would hold himself above such degrading factional alliances, and pursue a course consonant at once with true policy and justice. This hope may not prove groundless, but the reported instructions of Mr. WALKER have given it a tremendous shock. If it is true that he is to administer the Government on the basis that the bogus laws are valid, and accept the scandalous act for the formation of a Pro-Slavery constitution as just, and sustain it in the face of the adverse sentiments of the population, then it is true that the policy of the present Administration tallies precisely with that of ATCHISON and his cooperators here. This is to prove his Administration a continuation of that of JEFF. DAVIS, and to verify, even sooner than was expected, the forebodings of the Republicans during the Presidential canvass.

    Notwithstanding these ominous indications, the belief is general on all sides, that no more civil strife is possible here. All parties concur in this. In Missouri, a powerful conservative party is resolved that there shall be no repetition of the outrageous invasions of the past. A strong Anti-Slavery feeling has been evolved there from the agitation of the last two years, and the question of emancipation is already conceded to be debatable; a great admission on the part of the ultraists, who have lately exercised dominion with an iron rod. And in St. Louis, the focus of these liberal ideas, the question of emancipation is discussed with a warmth which promises almost to disturb the peace of the City.

    Meantime the emigration is immense. Boats come up the Missouri laden with four to five hundred emigrants, the great bulk of whom are Free-State in principle. The roads through Missouri and Iowa are black with wagons, whose occupants are evidently coming to Kansas to stay. Many bring teams to break the prairie, and drive in their own cows and young stock; and not unfrequently we can see a large hencoop rigged on the rear of the wagon, containing enough feathered occupants to make a respectable poultry yard one of the fixed institutions of the “claim.” The emigration at present must exceed a thousand per day; and it is believed this is but trifling compared with that which will loom up in May and June. With this movement no sane man can doubt that the destiny of Kansas is inevitably to be Freedom- and this in spite of all efforts at Washington or otherwheres in the contrary.

    Things in Kansas.

    Mr. BROWN, editor of the Herald of Freedom, at Lawrence, publishes an elaborate apology for the temporary discontinuance of that paper during his absence, all hands having been infected with the claim-speculating mania. Very little else besides land speculations is now talked of in Kansas.

    JONATHAN LYMAN, publisher of the Kane County Journal in Illinois, has sold out, and will start a new free soil paper in Kansas.

    A letter from Lawrence declares that a large majority of the men who are numbered in the new census lists as voters, have not the remotest idea of removing to Kansas, and without the shadow of a doubt scores have never seen the claims made in their names. The manner of making these claims, in place of complying with the law, is proof positive that the whole plan is nothing else than a scare crow operation. In hundreds of instances there is no house built, no land plowed, no fending completed or commenced, in a word nothing done, save a stick thrust into the ground, or four poles thrown together. I state what I know from personal observation, having ridden over the Reserve in all directions. I have the statement of an unimpeachable witness who has examined the census returns, that not over one-fourth of the voters in this county are registered.

    A Company in Lawrence have purchased a portion of the lands contiguous to Delaware, on the Missouri River, five miles below Leavenworth, and have laid it out into town lots.

    Another outrage was committed near Easton, on Sunday, but Deputy Sheriff of Leavenworth County, MERRITT SMITH. He had a warrant for the arrest of Mr. MARTIN KLINE, on the charge of horse stealing. The affair occurred at the house of a Pro-Slavery man, where church service was being held at the time. The Sheriff produced his warrant and read it. Mr. KLINE refused to go out at the time, but said he would go next day, (Monday.) The Sheriff then drew his revolver and fired five times at KLINE, three balls taking effect. This occurred in the house, full of people during the service. Mr. KLINE is known to be innocent of the charge against him.
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