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The Cuban Movement. - The N. Y. Courier says: “As to the Cuban expedition, we learn ‘from an undoubted source’ that it is in a forward state of preparation, and it is represented that the utmost care has been taken by the leaders not to violate the neutrality laws of the United States. All the arms and ammunition required have been procured abroad in large quantities, and are now deposited without the bounds of the United States, in a depot known only to a few of the leading spirits. Not even a pop-gun has been procured in the United States. The men are to leave this country as emigrants - unarmed - and will sail from different ports, and it is calculated in such a manner that no suspicion shall go abroad as to their actual destination. The measures of the revolutionists have been taken with great circumspection, and it is only to be feared that those who embark in this expedition will meet the bloody fate of their predecessors.”