Fort Des Moines, Io., c. h. Polk co. At the junction of Racoon and Des Moines. It is a beautiful place at the head of navigation of the Des Moines River, within 30 miles of the geographical centre of the state, of which it will probably be the capital at no distant day. The valley of the Des Moines is unsurpassed in fertility, and Fort Des Moines is already the seat of a large inland trade. 120 miles W. from Iowa City. (Gazetteer of the United States of America, 1854)
Note Cards
Date | Type | |
"Conservative Republicans" of Iowa meet in convention in Des Moines. | Campaigns/Elections | |
In Iowa, Governor William Stone begins his second term and endorses African-American suffrage | Campaigns/Elections | |
In municipal elections, Unionists wrest political control of Des Moines, Iowa from Democrats | Campaigns/Elections | |
President Johnson's Secretary of the Interior, James Harlan of Iowa, resigns. | Lawmaking/Litigating | |
The Democratic Party of Iowa meets in convention at Des Moines. | Campaigns/Elections |