Kansas Affairs- Governor Geary and the Administration

    Source citation
    “Kansas Affairs- Governor Geary and the Administration,” New York Daily Times, 25 March 1857, p. 5.
    Original source
    Baltimore Sun, Missouri Democrat
    Newspaper: Publication
    New York Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    Kansas Affairs- Governor Geary and the Administration
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Leah Suhrstedt
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print.  Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Kansas Affairs- Governor Geary and the Administration.

    Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.

    WASHINGTON, Monday, March 23, 1857.

    The Administration are, to-day, to take into consideration the subject of the state of things in Kansas. They have to decide not only upon the men whom they are to select for the offices in the Territory, but also upon the policy which they are to pursue in regard to the questions which still threaten to render the Territory the theatre of a bloody contest. It is truly remarked, therefore, that this is an important day with the new Administration and for the public interests. The President has, no doubt, a just appreciation of the responsibility which rests upon him in relation to this subject.

    GOV. GEARY, as I learn, has an interview last evening with EX-President PIERCE, and utterly disclaimed the authorship of, or any responsibility for, the article in the St. Louis Democrat which introduces his valedictory address, and with serious charges against the late administration. It appears now that that Governor GEARY does not charge the Pierce Administration with neglect or refusal to afford him proper support, and that he threw up his commission for reasons which I referred to in my letter yesterday. That his life was in danger after the Sherrard affair, if not before, there can be no doubt.

    Intelligent men from Kansas, who are now here, say that immigration into the Territory is increasing, but that the present agitation has had the effect to arrest the tendency to extravagant speculation in lands and town lots. Further, they say that a civil war will probably break out in the Territory within thirty days, though they themselves deprecate its effect upon their own interests as property holders. The northern people who are flocking to the Territory do not, generally, carry arms with them at the present time.

    It is rumored that the Administration will decide to day to reverse the policy of Mr. PIERCE in regard to the selection of Governors for the Kansas and Nebraska Territories, and will send a Southern man to Kansas and a Northern man to Nebraska. Several names have already been mentioned in connection with the appointments. A man of high character, courage, and independence, should be selected for Kansas, and such a man can be found in ROBERT J. WALKER, though it is not to be taken for granted that he would accept it. But a better opportunity to render distinguished services to the country is not presented to the ambition of any man.

    The Other Side.

    From the Missouri Democrat, March 19.

    GOV. GEARY and his Private Secretary came to this office unsolicited by us, and voluntarily, in the presence of five or six gentlemen, gave utterance not only to all we have put in his mouth, but a great deal more that we did not find room to publish, and which our pen could not, by any possibility, have colored so highly as did the words of his tongue. He spoke freely, fully, and most indignantly of the outrages of the Pro Slavery faction in Kansas, their mail robberies, their murders, their legislative and judicial abominations, and declared that henceforward the “padlock should drop from his lips, and the whole truth should be made known.” We have no apprehension that GOV. GEARY will deny any of our statements.

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