On June 5, 1861, John Cuddy enlisted with the Carlisle Fencibles under Captain Robert Henderson, adding one year to his age to avoid possible complications with his enlistment. The Carlisle Fencibles would become Company A, 36th Regiment, 7th Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. The 36th trained at Camp Wayne in West Chester, Pennsylvania before joining the defense of Washington, DC at the battle of Gaines' Mill in June, 1862. (By Rebecca Solnit)
Source Citation
Samuel Bates, History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-5, (Harrisburg, PA: B. Singerly, State Printer, 1871), 1: 720-735.
John Osborne and James W. Gerencser, eds., "John Taylor Cuddy," Their Own Words, http://deila.dickinson.edu/theirownwords/author/CuddyJ.htm. .
Record Data
Date Certainty