Record Data
DISTRESS IN KANSAS. – Great distress is said to prevail in Kansas at the present time. The dry weather of the season has cut off the crops so far as to raise provisions to extremely high prices; credit is destroyed, money ranging at from four to five per cent per month, and apprehensions of the most serious character are entertained as to the state of things during the winter.
A correspondent of the New York Times says that the people of the territory are naturally inclined to charge a part of this distress upon the general government, which has refused their demands for admission to the Union, and has witheld from them the enjoyment of some sources of relief in the shape of appropriations for roads and other improvements, usually enjoyed by territories. It is intimated that the remedy may be sought in an attempt to set up an independent government under the Wyandotte Constitution, - a movement for which the time is in some respects favorable.