“The Astounding Impertinence of Douglas,” Chicago (IL) Press and Tribune, September 17, 1860

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Cropped, edited, and prepared for use here by Don Sailer, Dickinson College, August 13, 2010.
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Historical Newspapers (ProQuest)
Original caption
The Astounding Impertinence of Douglas
Source citation
“The Astounding Impertinence of Douglas,” Chicago (IL) Press and Tribune, September 17, 1860, p. 2: 6.
Source note
Original image has been adjusted here for presentation purposes.
How to Cite This Page: "“The Astounding Impertinence of Douglas,” Chicago (IL) Press and Tribune, September 17, 1860," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/node/33943.