Adelina Patti, born in Spain to Italian singers, made her operatic debut at New York's Academy of Music at age sixteen in November 1859. She was invited to London's Covent Garden and made her European debut there as Amina in Bellini's opera La Sonnambula to great acclaim. She emeged as one of Europe's leading opera stars, commanding at one point $5000 per night, in gold. She sang for the Lincolns at the White House in 1862. She retired to a castle in Wales, sang in public for the last time at the outbreak of the WWI, and died in 1919. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Frederick F. Buffen, "Adelina Patti," in Charles Francis Horne, ed.,, Great Men and Famous Women: A Series of Pen and Pencil Sketches ... (New York: Selmar Hess, 1894), 8: 379-382.
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